If one thinks that the world is a labyrinth, affirms Borges, it is because perhaps, then, have a center, and that would mean that we are saved, but it is that there is no certainty about that, reflects the author, and rather, it could be that it be chaos and then we would be lost, the truth is that on that uncertainty rises the stage of the globalized society, which hopefully It was a labyrinth, but there is no doubt, of arduous and multiple subterfuges that they make their way into a reality that when it barely begins to be concrete ends up being virtual or vice versa: the surreptitious passages of both dimensions, full of information and experiences, converge in the same conscience, in the same mind and in the same feeling; Experience of which no one can escape because, among other things, it is the age of posttruth.

Before her it is evident the need to delimit the realities, to elucidate the truth, in short, to recover the balance, for which this new edition of Correspondences & Analysis is dedicated to the presentation of directed contributions to provide the ideal tools to recognize false news or to investigate the permanent media controversies. Likewise, and with the same intention to provide supports to cross shortcuts, studies on the importance of productive strategic communication in the field of  organizations, as well as, without losing sight of the effectiveness of narratives such as the fashion film, works that highlight their artistic value.

On the other hand, and as essential topics in the described scenario, offers the scope of those who are interested in two very currently relevant, migration, this time based on the self-recognition through sociodigital media; and the femicides contrasted with journalistic opinion. In short, if you look closely, a subtle link is evident between all the proposals that insist on one or another way on the same subject, that of truth, because what is identity, the artistic value, strategic communication or journalistic opinion but different ways of searching for the truth as the irrevocable sense of all circumstance.

Undoubtedly, this thematic picture, although it does not exhaust the complexity of the globalized society of Borgian experiences, contributes to intensify the dynamics of its analysis with specific proposals that will favor its understanding and, to a large extent, its resolution.


Mg. Mercedes Milagro Sarapura




Correspondencia & análisis

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Turismo y Psicología – USMP