Impact on corporate image in the face of inclusion of LGBT communities in retail stores in Peru




Sexual minorities, LGBT, Discrimination, Labor inclusion, Cultural discrimination, Corporate image


This article analyzes the impact on corporate image as a product of the inclusion of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in a group of retail stores in Peru. Through a mixed methodology, it was sought to determine what are the perceptions of customers when seeing or interacting with people from these communities when visiting specialized clothing stores; and what is the influence of this interaction in the formation of the corporate image of these commercial establishments. Faced with discrimination in work spaces due to the sexual orientation of their workers and the absence of public policies in favor of LGBT communities, this study shows that non-inclusion is based on prejudices or stereotypes that lead to negative direct consequences and that, communicationally, not there is damage to the corporate image of companies in the public with which it interacts.


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Author Biographies

  • Tania Karen Santa Cruz Jaime, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú)

    Bachelor of Communication and Business Image from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), of thewho was also part of the communications team. He has worked in the Planning and Communication area Strategic in the Pan American Organizationof Health, in Lima; and carried out  communication work corporate and community in the Minera Poderosa in Vijus, Pataz, La Libertad region.

  • Miguel Eduardo Antezana Corrieri, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú)

    PhD candidate in the Information and Knowledge Society from the Open University of Catalonia. Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Economist from the Central University of Venezuela. Advisor, consultant and lecturer in strategic communication. Postgraduate teacher at the national and international level. Teacher in the Communication and Business Image career at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences.


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How to Cite

Santa Cruz Jaime, T. K., & Antezana Corrieri, M. E. (2021). Impact on corporate image in the face of inclusion of LGBT communities in retail stores in Peru. Correspondences & Analysis, 13, 101-126.


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