Consumption and usage of information by chilean journalism students: The triumph of social media and preeminence of television in hedonistic and lightness consumption age




Information, Journalism, Mass media, Journalism formation, Virtual public space, Actuality consumption and use,, Social construction of reality


The training of future journalists encourages knowledge and deepening of current affairs, for the construction of their speeches and contextualization of their media reality. Currently, new generations prefer digital platforms that become in a natural space to carry out activities. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of information they are consuming, which media is prefered to get information, how they are using and sharing it, and for what purposes, since these learners are the ones who, in the future, will act as builders of the media discourse. The objective of this research is to study the consumption and usage of current news of young journalism students from the Valparaíso Region in Chile. The study is quantitative in nature and the data collection is cross-sectional, carried out between August 2018
and April 2019. The technique to collect the information is the survey. The universities selected for the study are Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) y Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI); all located in Región de Valparaíso, Chile.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniel Avendaño Caneo, Universidad Viña del Mar, Chile

    Journalist (PUCV). and master's degree in history (U. Chile). An assistant professor at the Viña del Mar University, he is currently head of the journalism program at the same university. Research lines: recent history of Chile, teaching journalism, media.

  • César Solís Asenjo, Universidad Viña del Mar, Chile

    He is a full-time academic at the School of Communications at the Viña del Mar University (Chile). He teaches disciplinary subjects in the journalism career. He has a Master's Degree in Communication and Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona; journalist and graduate in Social Communication from the Universidad Austral de Chile; Professor of Language and Communication and graduate in Education from the Andrés Bello University. Before dedicating himself to university teaching, he worked as a journalist in various media. His lines of research address issues related to journalism, the media, radio broadcasting, audiences and media literacy.

  • Rolando Tiemann Hernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Sociologist from the University of Valparaíso, Master in Social Communication from the University of Chile, studying for a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is in charge of Studies of the Institutional Analyst Unit of the Universidad de Austral de Chile. Lines of study: sociology of culture, economic sociology and sociology of communication.

  • Magaly Varas Alarcón, Universidad Viña del Mar, Chile

    PhD in Linguistics (PUCV), Master in Communications (PUCV) and Journalist (UVM). She is an adjunct professor at the Viña del Mar University, the Catholic University of Valparaíso and the Andrés Bello University, Chile, in digital media and academic literacy subjects. Research lines: discourse analysis; academic literacy; media; social networks and audiences in the context of the digital revolution.


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How to Cite

Avendaño Caneo, D., Solís Asenjo, C., Tiemann Hernández, R., & Varas Alarcón, M. (2021). Consumption and usage of information by chilean journalism students: The triumph of social media and preeminence of television in hedonistic and lightness consumption age. Correspondences & Analysis, 14, 55-77.


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