The Influence of Advergaming over university students in Lima


  • Alice Garrido Gallardo Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)



Advertising, Positioning, Advergaming, Advertainment, Games, Influence, Attitude towards the brand


In times where the consumer is able to find what he wants without being interrupted by advertising, advertisers are required to expand their messages through new alternatives that connect the audience with the brand in an attractive way. The advergame is part of these new tools as it seeks to retain consumers through interactive games that represent the brand’s values, characteristics and benefits. To understand the influence of this advertising tool in Lima’s youth, this article makes an analysis on the attitude they generate towards the brand depending on the treatment that is given in the game, the exposure time and other variables.


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Author Biography

  • Alice Garrido Gallardo, Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)

    Degree in communication sciences specializing in advertising and public relations. With more than three years of experience in project management, including market research, brand image and graphic design. Currently working on financial inclusion projects at the national level.


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How to Cite

Garrido Gallardo, A. (2014). The Influence of Advergaming over university students in Lima. Correspondences & Analysis, 4, 123-135.


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