Analysis of the coverage on TV news. Case study of teachers’ strike in Spain and Peru


  • Fernando Morales Morante Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)



News, Information, Communication Effectiveness, Peru, Spain


This article analyzes and compares the cultural and audiovisual features that determine the styles and informative treatment of similar news content, issued by two private means different country: Peru and Spain. The study was made using the protocol Fact Efficient Model Construction (MOCIAE) and detects a clear bias in favor of the government’s position in both countries. However, as in the Spanish case increased presence of formal elements of staging and multiperspective opinion, the Peruvian version is detected finds treatment and focus less textual and predominantly spectacular, based on the use of resources ambient sound and the violent actions of the protesters.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Morales Morante, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)

    PhD in Audiovisual Communication and publicity. Lecturer at the Department of Publicity, Public relations and Audiovisual communication at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis titled: "design of a model for the study of the perceptual impact of the audiovisual overlapping", obtaining the outstanding qualification of the score by unanimously. Magister in Audiovisual communication by the UAB. The year 2005 supported his dissertation with the title "The metric variations of the parallel Mount ". Graduated from the University of Lima. He has been a professor and researcher hired by the universities San Martín de Porres and Federico Villarreal in Lima-Perú.

    Lines of research: language, narratives and audiovisual montage. Perception, emotion and communicative efficacy of the speeches.


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How to Cite

Morales Morante, F. (2014). Analysis of the coverage on TV news. Case study of teachers’ strike in Spain and Peru. Correspondences & Analysis, 4, 191-214.


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