Debates and controversies over the images of International News. Photo-impact on global front pages


  • Estrella Israel Garzón Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (España)
  • María José Pou Amérigo Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (España)
  • Sylvie Thiéblemont-Dollet Université de Lorraine (Francia)



Photojournalism, Front Page, International, Woman, Children, Victims, Representation


The journalistic images are subject to debate and controversy: from the girl of Trang Bang to the most recently images of women and female kids during the earthquake and the cholera epidemic in Haiti in 2010, comments on the symbolic and communicative value of the pictured subject keep occurring. The press images awarded as “photo of the year” by World Press Photo in the period between 2000 and 2011 represent international conflicts and disasters where the main characters are mostly women and children, plenty of drama and pathos. The axes of the discussion are the main photography situation on the
daily journal front page, against the right to privacy, the iconic representation of the sick people and victims of disasters and the social discussion through the network.


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Author Biographies

  • Estrella Israel Garzón, Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (España)

    PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), where he is a lecturer in journalism. Author of Communication and journalism in a global society. Communicate the Difference (2001, 2006) and introduce the concept of Intercultural journalism. Guest lecturer at the Universidad Popular Autonoma de Puebla (Mexico), Universidad Austral de Chile and Université de Lorraine (France). His research focuses on intercultural communication, the journalistic construction of the difference, in particular women and minorities, as well as the informative quality and the media representation of diversity.

  • María José Pou Amérigo, Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (España)

    PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and a degree in humanities from the Open University of Catalonia. Professor of Journalism at CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia (Spain). Author of the Catholics in the public opinion. The Italian Example (2008) and the bishops in the Spanish public life. Analysis of the newspaper El País and the conflicts between the episcopate and the Socialist Governments (2007). He collaborates in several media of Valencia.

  • Sylvie Thiéblemont-Dollet, Université de Lorraine (Francia)

    PhD in Literature from the Université Nancy-2, professor of information and communication sciences at the Université de Lorraine (France) and researcher at the Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations (CREM) of the university. He has coordinated several publications on intercultural Communication and memorial mediation devices and testimonies. He has edited Art, Médiation et interculturality (2008) Minorités Interculturelles et médias (2009) and Médias, dispositifs, Médiations (2010). He has published studies in international journals on gender, media, collective mobilizations and mediation devices.


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How to Cite

Israel Garzón, E., Pou Amérigo, M. J., & Thiéblemont-Dollet, S. (2013). Debates and controversies over the images of International News. Photo-impact on global front pages. Correspondences & Analysis, 3, 295-316.


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