Old age and gender in popular soap operas. Arguments for a proposal of a soap opera on active aging through educational entertainment





Soap opera, Education, Older adults, Gender studies


The literature of aging explores the deterioration of the human body, while feminist literature explores the problems of gender equality. According to Miguel Sabido (1989) and Albert Bandura (1989), the media, particularly the telenovelas, tend to use stereotypes that portray women and the elderly population negatively. Sabido uses the concepts of education and entertainment to unveil how telenovelas teach societal behavior, allowing a path for social discrimination towards them. Through these concepts, the researchers have demonstrated how the Mexican and Colombian telenovelas negatively portrayed the elderly people, especially women. Such analysis was not done in vain, as it had the purpose of giving agency to the elderly by allowing them to have to power of how they want to be represented in the media.


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Author Biographies

  • Sandra Leal Larrarte, Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)

    Doctorate in Literature from the Technological University of Pereira (Colombia). Master in Communication Sciences from the University of Zulia (Venezuela). Professor at the University of Quindío (Colombia) of the semiotics, image theory and educational communication subjects. Her lines of research are: communication and aging, semiotics and narrative, communication and gender. Writer of stories and fiction novels.

  • Martha Estela Pérez García, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (México)

    PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico). Post-doctorate "Women, politics and symbolic violence" from the University of Torino (Italy). Master in Social Sciences from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, where she is professor-researcher. Degree in Communication Sciences from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. She has published books and articles on female political participation, femicide, female empowerment, indigenous women, gender archetypes, and educational media entertainment

  • Lilia Ines López Cardoso, Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)

    Gerontologist from the University of Quindío (Colombia), where she is a teacher-researcher. Master of Education from the Universidad Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. It has publications in indexed magazines, articles, book chapters and books, as well as national and international presentations. His lines of research are: communication and aging, aging and health.


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How to Cite

Leal Larrarte, S., Pérez García, M. E., & López Cardoso, L. I. (2020). Old age and gender in popular soap operas. Arguments for a proposal of a soap opera on active aging through educational entertainment. Correspondences & Analysis, 12, 159-190. https://doi.org/10.24265/cian.2020.n12.06


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