The university institutional reputation. The opinion of the public of the University of Malaga, Spain
Reputation, Digital, Institution, University of Malaga, Public opinionAbstract
Organizations in general are perceived according to the abundant information that is easily and immediately found on the networks. Educational institutions such as universities are also known and compared according to the origin of this information, thus generating a reputation that helps to establish value judgments in a more effective way. The university institutional reputation refers to the set of perceptions held by the various interest groups that relate to an institution, both internal and external groups; These perceptions are the result of the behavior developed by the entity over time and of its ability to distribute value to the aforementioned groups. The objectives of this research are to find out how to find the basic elements that determine reputation, to establish whether digital reputation has more weight than offline reputation and to contrast the way in which the public forms an opinion about the reputation of the University of Malaga. The analysis is quantitative and techniques such as the survey and the interview are used.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Mercedes Cancelo Sanmartín, Delia Gómez Valentín, José Luna Roldán

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