Violence against men in Mexican and Colombian media: masculinities in question




Gender Violence, Men, Mass Media, Colombia, Mexico


The results of an investigation are presented whose objective is to analyze the media coverage of violence against men –mainly physical– in Mexican and Colombian newspapers, with the purpose of establishing the visibility and treatment that the selected media give to this type of violence, based on aspects such as length of journalistic texts, genres and sources used, and analysis of the use of language; Furthermore, recognize whether discursive practices constitute forms of symbolic violence that stigmatize masculinity. The approach is qualitative and, for the collection and analysis of information, content analysis is chosen. The type of research is descriptive. It is found that the violence exerted against men constitutes a marginal event in the media agenda, treated as unusual and uncommon. The approach is usually mediated by sexist stereotypes with little depth, since the coverage of violence against men tends to justify it and, in general, presents the attacks in a sensationalist and spectacular way, which places the man as a victim of violence symbolic and cultural violence.


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Author Biographies

  • Álvaro Lizarralde Díaz, Universidad EAN

    Social Communicator from the University of La Sabana (Colombia). Master in Latin American Literature from the Caro y Cuervo Institute of Colombia and Master in Social Sciences from ILADES-Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome. Teacher in the areas of journalism, literature, discourse analysis, Spanish language and history of Latin America. Researcher on citizenship, identity, communication and gender violence. Author and co-author of books and academic articles.

  • Jairo Enrique Ordóñez Garzón, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior

    Social Communicator and Journalist from the Central University (Colombia). Doctor in Social Psychology from the Universität Konstanz (Germany). Postdoctoral in Education and Interculturality from the Santo Tomás University (Colombia). Professor and researcher on topics related to peace, social and armed conflicts, and gender studies. Teacher in the areas of research methodology and communication and conflict.

  • Constanza Lizcano Rivera, Sergio Arboleda University

    Doctor in Educational Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Master and specialist in University Research and Teaching. Social communicator. Methodologist, teacher and e-learning pedagogical mediator. Author and co-author of publications on topics of education-pedagogy, academic reading and writing, gender studies-media analysis. Professor-researcher at the Sergio Arboleda University.


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How to Cite

Lizarralde Díaz, Álvaro, Ordóñez Garzón, J. E., & Lizcano Rivera, C. (2023). Violence against men in Mexican and Colombian media: masculinities in question. Correspondences & Analysis, 18, 67-98.


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