Entrepreneurial Skills for Digital Journalist


  • Martha Alicia Romero Echevarría Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)
  • Jacqueline Estrada Polar Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)




Ability, Competence, Entrepreneurship, Management, Skills and Digital Journalism


The socioeconomic impact has global effects and Media is not exempt from them as they follow global trends, leaving growing need evidence of the development of aptitudes and skills (personal and social) from Communication professionals, so that they are prepared to undertake their own projects either individually or collectively, with ability to plan and carry out with integrity and self-confidence and are able to persevere, especially in today’s digital environment, seeking to raise quality indexes, this means being able to achieve its objectives with responsibility, challenges in their performance and to control their reactions under pressure. In this sense for this research it has conducted an analysis of the entrepreneurial qualities of digital journalists for successful performance, which have their main source of vocational training to universities.


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Author Biographies

  • Martha Alicia Romero Echevarría, Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)

    PhD in education, doctorate in psychology; Postdocs in education and business administration; Master's degree in university teaching and educational management; Metodóloga and degree in Psychology from USMP (Peru). Collaborator at La OCMA e INDECOPI. Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at the USMP and the Academy of Magistracy.

  • Jacqueline Estrada Polar, Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)

    Degree in communication Sciences from USMP (Peru). Maestranda in journalism and Multimedia communication in the same house of studies. Specializing in digital journalism, economic journalism and digital marketing. Creator and founder of Mundonegocio.pe, a portal that disseminates economic and business information.


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How to Cite

Romero Echevarría, M. A., & Estrada Polar, J. (2016). Entrepreneurial Skills for Digital Journalist. Correspondences & Analysis, 6, 13-30. https://doi.org/10.24265/cian.2016.n6.01


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