The revival of International Radio: Multinationals, religious broadcasters, foreign radio and Internet


  • Antonio Checa Godoy Universidad de Sevilla (España)



Radio, Multinationals, Propaganda, Religion, Music


Without the uproar caused by the process regarding television, the Radio media has also been attracting, in recent decades, companies from different countries that have forged multinational empires, especially in the field of music Radio. This new supranational dimension of the Radio is also increased by the renewed rise of religious radio stations and new approaches to old propagandist radio, all also taking advantage of the possibilities offered by internet. Radio is now more international than ever.


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Author Biography

  • Antonio Checa Godoy, Universidad de Sevilla (España)

    Dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville and President of the Association of Communication Historians. He has directed the newspapers Diario de Granada, the advancement of Salamanca and Huelva information and the journals Andalucía Actualidad and Andalucía Económica. He is the author of press and political parties in the II Republic (1989), History of the Press in Ibero-America (1993), History of communication: from Chronicle to Scientific Discipline (2008), among other titles. He has also made numerous essays about the media reality in Portugal, Eastern Europe and Latin America.


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How to Cite

Checa Godoy, A. (2013). The revival of International Radio: Multinationals, religious broadcasters, foreign radio and Internet. Correspondences & Analysis, 3, 277-293.


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