Youth and online sports betting advertising. The Spanish experience




Online sports betting, advertising, Spain, games, youth, Latinoamerica


This study investigates the perception of young Spaniards about online sports betting and its advertising. The initiative arises from the recent regulation of commercial communications in this sector in Spain. We reviewed the literature related to the phenomenon and the foundations that gave rise to the regulations. Starting from discussion groups with young people between the ages of 15 and 21, we use advertisements as an impulse to learn about beliefs and perceptions about sports betting, the regulations in force and their advertising. There is a certain lack of concern in the group with the influence of advertising and the health risks of possible addictive behaviors. Studies of this type, we believe, could serve as a reference for future regulatory frameworks in the Latin American region, a territory in which this industry is in full expansion.


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Author Biography

  • Antonio Raúl Fernández Rincón, University of Murcia

    Doctor in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Murcia. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Advanced Communication from the University of Murcia. Professor in the area of ​​audiovisual communication and advertising at the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the University of Murcia. He is a member of the Trendenlab consumer trends research group ( He has been working as a freelance professional in the field of advertising creativity and graphic design since 1995.


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How to Cite

Fernández Rincón, A. R. (2022). Youth and online sports betting advertising. The Spanish experience. Correspondences & Analysis, 15, 107-128.


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