Infographics: Representation of reality, Advertising and Organizational Communication


  • Gerardo Karbaum Padilla Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)



Infography, Advertising, Organizational Communications, Representation of Reality


Human communication is the process which allows the human being to evolve as specie in an unfavorable world. Humanity found images, followed then by words, considered both as powerful tools that help to deliver information generation after generation. Sum of them provided the creation of infographies or information graphics, a very important application in the journalist field. However, they are very well used on fields such as advertising and organizational communications; this work tries to offer new options applying the infographic discipline but also to understand as a very efficient and decisive
way to represents our reality.


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Author Biography

  • Gerardo Karbaum Padilla, Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú)

    Degree in communication Sciences from the USMP, where he works as a teacher-researcher. With experience in audiovisual production, short documentaries and journalistic non-linear editing. Winner of the competitions of short films and documentaries So is my Peru (2008, Best Screenplay), National short film Festival (2010, indigenous prize) and provoke You (2011).


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How to Cite

Karbaum Padilla, G. (2015). Infographics: Representation of reality, Advertising and Organizational Communication. Correspondences & Analysis, 5, 137-150.


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