The chatbot as a communicative, marketing and business success factor: empirical analysis




chatbot, interactivity, communication, marketing, company


This research explores the perception of customers in Spain about interactions with chatbots as customer service agents and attempts to identify the communicative and marketing factors of success in this interactivity, which is growing in the Broadband Society. To achieve the research objectives, a quantitative methodology is followed through a survey aimed at Spanish clients without distinction of origin. The results show that customers’ perception of the chatbot depends on the context. If the customer’s question or request is simple, the perception is positive; if it is a complex question, the perception is negative. Furthermore, it is observed that the main factors that affect customer perception are quality and context. It is concluded that there is a relationship between the quality of the chatbot and customer satisfaction and it has been identified that the most important factor for the consumer when interacting with a chatbot is effectiveness.


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Author Biographies

  • Joan Francesc Joan Francesc, Ramon Llull University

    Doctor in Journalism and Communication Sciences. Principal researcher of the research group Innovative Monetization Systems in Logistics, Journalism and Digital Marketing (University of Girona). Professor and researcher at Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University, EAE Business School, EUM-Universitat de Girona and the Euncet-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Director of the Cable Studies Center. President of the Catalan Communication Society-Institut d'Estudis Catalans. He has won numerous awards for research, teaching and management.

  • Abigail Huamanchumo, EAE Business School

    MBA from EAE Business School. Researcher. Business analyst. Member of the research group Innovative Monetization Systems in Logistics, Journalism and Digital Marketing (Universitat de Girona).

  • Ramon Martín Guart, University of Girona

    Doctor in Communication. Professor Serra Húnter at the University of Girona. Member of the research team of the Innovative Monetization Systems group in Logistics, Journalism and Digital Marketing (Universitat de Girona), of the Communication, Advertising and Society group (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and GRECPRP: Strategy and creativity in Advertising and Public Relations (Blanquena -Ramon Llull University).

  • Óscar Gutiérrez Aragón, University of Girona

    Doctor in Economics. Professor at the EUM-Universitat of Girona and at the University of Barcelona. Member of the research team of the group Innovative Monetization Systems in Logistics, Journalism and Digital Marketing (University of Girona).


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How to Cite

Joan Francesc, J. F., Huamanchumo, A., Martín Guart, R., & Gutiérrez Aragón, Óscar. (2024). The chatbot as a communicative, marketing and business success factor: empirical analysis. Correspondences & Analysis, 19, 47-70.


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