Public Relations and Sustainable Development in Question in French Academic Works


  • Arlette Bouzon Universidad de Toulouse (Francia)
  • Joëlle Devillard Universidad de Toulouse (Francia)



Public Relations, Sustainable Development, Communication Agent, Corporate Communications in France


The needs to inform and convince are millenniums and part of any organized life. Due to the very nature of its activities in the economic and social sphere, and because the “Know-How” is no longer possible without the “Make-Known”, the organization (generally companies, associations, the public sector) has turned itself into a communication agent.

In this difficult and uncertain present context, communication appears to be essential in the process of gradually becoming better aware of sustainable development, mainly when it comes to how the corresponding reports are devised. It seems to be an especially delicate matter inherently presenting a risk for the organization. Should one remain silent? Or should one speak out? And if so, how should one put things and how far should the level of uncertainty be revealed?

So, communication around Sustainable Development constitutes an emerging problem area whose significance goes well beyond the usual speculation related to crisis communication which latter only addresses one of its facets.

In the present article, works covering organizational communication are reviewed, focusing on the existing scientific literature on the subject. We shall thus be led to re-direct our attention to the conceptual and theoretical origins of the communication and organization couple, taking a special interest in the underlying epistemological foundations.


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Author Biographies

  • Arlette Bouzon, Universidad de Toulouse (Francia)

    PhD from the School of Communication and Journalism of the Sorbonne (CELSA-Université de Paris IV, France). Professor and coordinator of the courses of organizational communication at the University of Toulouse. He is vice-President of the European Communication Education and Research Association (ECREA). Author of more than 200 scientific research in eight different countries.

  • Joëlle Devillard, Universidad de Toulouse (Francia)

    Professor in communication and information sciences at the University of Toulouse (France), where he integrates the laboratory of Studies and applied Research in social sciences (LERASS-Organicom). Member of the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences (SFSIC). His lines of research revolve around evaluating the strategies of communication and innovation in tourism companies.


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How to Cite

Bouzon, A., & Devillard, J. (2011). Public Relations and Sustainable Development in Question in French Academic Works. Correspondences & Analysis, 1, 115-135.


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