Communication in corporate social responsibility management


  • Sandra Orjuela Córdoba Universidad Monteávila (Venezuela)



Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, Relationship, Identity, Image, Reputation


The business world is eager for management models that allow being more efficient, surrounded by a development and interest in building a social consciousness. The financial crisis of recent years has led the company to review and be aware of the importance to maintain ethical behavior, to strengthen the management of their own identity from values and from there to manage your image and corporate reputation transparent and reliable. 


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Author Biography

  • Sandra Orjuela Córdoba, Universidad Monteávila (Venezuela)

    Social Communicator at the Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia), specialist in consumer sociology and market Research (Complutense University of Madrid), master in Foreign Trade and International Marketing (Polytechnic University of Madrid). Student in organizational communication (University of Málaga). Professor of strategic planning of the communication of the Monteávila University (Venezuela), where he directs the magazine ECO. He has directed consultancy in organizational communication, marketing and social responsibility in various companies in Ibero-America. He has lectured at the Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia) and at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Venezuela).


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How to Cite

Orjuela Córdoba, S. (2011). Communication in corporate social responsibility management. Correspondences & Analysis, 1, 137-156.


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